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Transaction Control Transformation

Transaction Control Transformation in Informatica

Transaction Control is an active and connected transformation. The transaction control transformation is used to control the commit and rollback of transactions. You can define a transaction based on varying number of input rows. As an example, you can define a transaction on a group rows in the employees data using the department Id as a key.

In the informatica power center, you can define the transaction at the following levels:
  • Mapping level: Use the transaction control transformation to define the transactions.
  • Session level: You can specify the "Commit Type" option in the session properties tab. The different options of "Commit Type" are Target, Source and User Defined. If you have used the transaction control transformation in the mapping, then the "Commit Type" will always be "User Defined"

When you run a session, the integration service evaluates the expression for each row in the transaction control transformation. When it evaluates the expression as commit, then it commits all the rows in the transaction to the target(s). When the integration service evaluates the expression as rollback, then it roll back all the rows in the transaction from the target(s).

When you have flat file as the target, then the integration service creates an output file for each time it commits the transaction. You can dynamically name the target flat files. Look at the example for creating flat files dynamically - Dynamic flat file creation.

Creating Transaction Control Transformation

Follow the below steps to create transaction control transformation:
  • Go to the mapping designer, click on transformation in the toolbar, Create.
  • Select the transaction control transformation, enter the name and click on Create and then Done.
  • You can drag the ports in to the transaction control transformation or you can create the ports manually in the ports tab.
  • Go to the properties tab. Enter the transaction control expression in the Transaction Control Condition.

Configuring Transaction Control Transformation

You can configure the following components in the transaction control transformation:
  • Transformation Tab: You can rename the transformation and add a description.
  • Ports Tab: You can create input/output ports
  • Properties Tab: You can define the transaction control expression and tracing level.
  • Metadata Extensions Tab: You can add metadata information.

Transaction Control Expression

You can enter the transaction control expression in the Transaction Control Condition option in the properties tab. The transaction control expression uses the IIF function to test each row against the condition. Use the following syntax for the expression
IIF (condition, value1, value2)


Use the following built-in variables in the expression editor of the transaction control transformation:
  • TC_CONTINUE_TRANSACTION: The Integration Service does not perform any transaction change for this row. This is the default value of the expression.
  • TC_COMMIT_BEFORE: The Integration Service commits the transaction, begins a new transaction, and writes the current row to the target. The current row is in the new transaction.
  • TC_COMMIT_AFTER: The Integration Service writes the current row to the target, commits the transaction, and begins a new transaction. The current row is in the committed transaction.
  • TC_ROLLBACK_BEFORE: The Integration Service rolls back the current transaction, begins a new transaction, and writes the current row to the target. The current row is in the new transaction.
  • TC_ROLLBACK_AFTER: The Integration Service writes the current row to the target, rolls back the transaction, and begins a new transaction. The current row is in the rolled back transaction.

If the transaction control transformation evaluates to a value other than the commit, rollback or continue, then the integration service fails the session.

Transaction Control Transformation in Mapping

Transaction control transformation defines or redefines the transaction boundaries in a mapping. It creates a new transaction boundary or drops any incoming transaction boundary coming from upstream active source or transaction control transformation. 

Transaction control transformation can be effective or ineffective for the downstream transformations and targets in the mapping. The transaction control transformation can become ineffective for downstream transformations or targets if you have used transformation that drops the incoming transaction boundaries after it. The following transformations drop the transaction boundaries.
  • Aggregator transformation with Transformation scope as "All Input".
  • Joiner transformation with Transformation scope as "All Input".
  • Rank transformation with Transformation scope as "All Input".
  • Sorter transformation with Transformation scope as "All Input".
  • Custom transformation with Transformation scope as "All Input".
  • Custom transformation configured to generate transactions
  • Transaction Control transformation
  • A multiple input group transformation, such as a Custom transformation, connected to multiple upstream transaction control points.

Mapping Guidelines and Validation

Use the following rules and guidelines when you create a mapping with a Transaction Control transformation:
  • If the mapping includes an XML target, and you choose to append or create a new document on commit, the input groups must receive data from the same transaction control point.
  • Transaction Control transformations connected to any target other than relational, XML, or dynamic MQSeries targets are ineffective for those targets.
  • You must connect each target instance to a Transaction Control transformation.
  • You can connect multiple targets to a single Transaction Control transformation.
  • You can connect only one effective Transaction Control transformation to a target.
  • You cannot place a Transaction Control transformation in a pipeline branch that starts with a Sequence Generator transformation.
  • If you use a dynamic Lookup transformation and a Transaction Control transformation in the same mapping, a rolled-back transaction might result in unsynchronized target data.
  • A Transaction Control transformation may be effective for one target and ineffective for another target. If each target is connected to an effective Transaction Control transformation, the mapping is valid.
  • Either all targets or none of the targets in the mapping should be connected to an effective Transaction Control transformation.

Example to Transaction Control:
Step 1: Design the mapping.
Step 2: Creating a Transaction Control Transformation.
  • In the Mapping Designer, click Transformation > Create. Select the Transaction Control transformation.
  • Enter a name for the transformation.[ The naming convention for Transaction Control transformations is TC_TransformationName].
  • Enter a description for the transformation.
  • Click Create.
  • Click Done.
  • Drag the ports into the transformation.
  • Open the Edit Transformations dialog box, and select the Ports tab.
Select the Properties tab. Enter the transaction control expression that defines the commit and roll back behavior.
Go to the Properties tab and click on the down arrow to get in to the expression editor window. Later go to the Variables tab and Type IIF(EMpno=7654,) select the below things from the built in functions.
  • Connect all the columns from the transformation to the target table and save the mapping.
  • Select the Metadata Extensions tab. Create or edit metadata extensions for the Transaction Control transformation.
  • Click OK.
Step 3: Create the task and the work flow.
Step 4: Preview the output in the target table.

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Tharun Katanguru

I'm Tharun Katanguru. A full time web designer and Data Engineer. I enjoy to make modern template. I love create blogger template and write about Web Design, Data Warehousing and Data Management. Now I'm working as a Jr Etl Developer.

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